Some times it's hard with 2 nav levels Teleport without error: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. Narril [party]: ai mee vaa You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) You stutter the magic words and fail the spell. Hp: 482 Sp: 449 -183 Ep: 250 p' pitäis olla pirtees kunnos Valkrist [party]: pitäis olla pirtees kunnos Hp:482/490 Sp:449/854 Ep:250/250 koti save 0 You start chanting. Hp:482/490 Sp:449/854 Ep:250/250 SAVED. Hp:482/490 Sp:449/854 Ep:250/250 ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | 1.2 Narril fol 1025(1025) 241( 815) 283(402) | 85 | 172603 | | 2.2 Valkrist ldr 482( 490) 449( 854) 250(250) | 77 | 216434 | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Hp:482/490 Sp:449/854 Ep:250/250 Mazzon [wanted]: People to solve quests themselves, or at least try to Teleport without error: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. Fizbuck [wanted]: alchemist You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) You are disturbed by something, your spell misfires. Hp: 482 Sp: 266 -183 Ep: 250 koti You start chanting. Hp:482/490 Sp:266/854 Ep:250/250 woo Teleport without error: ### You cheer and shout 'WOOOOOOOOOO!'. Hp:482/490 Sp:266/854 Ep:250/250 Teleport without error: ## You skillfully cast the spell with haste. You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) You lose touch with the magic and the spell fizzles. You feel like you just saved some spell points! Hp: 482 Sp: 136 -130 Ep: 250 ce You start concentrating on the skill. Hp:482/490 Sp:136/854 Ep:250/250 exp Exp: 36664 Money: 800.00 Bank: 314114.54 Hp:482/490 Sp:136/854 Ep:250/250 You are prepared to do the skill. You perform the ceremony. Hp: 482 Sp: 136 Ep: 249 -1 show spells statistics ,-------------------------------------------------------------. | Spell % Casts Success Ratio | |=============================================================| | Aura detection 50% - 3 3 100.00% | | Charge staff 70% - 2 2 100.00% | | Create mud 90% - 1 1 100.00% | | Cure critical wounds 95% - 28 28 100.00% | | Cure serious wounds 100% - 53 52 98.11% | | Dimension door 40% - 2 2 100.00% | | Drain pool 70% - 1 1 100.00% | | Drying wind 80% - 1 1 100.00% | | Earth power 80% - 3 2 66.67% | | Go 40% - 2 1 50.00% | | Heal all 70% - 14 12 85.71% | | Inquiry to ahm 80% - 3 3 100.00% | | Major heal 80% - 18 17 94.44% | More (47%) [qpbns?] | Major party heal 95% - 27 27 100.00% | | Minor heal 85% - 6 6 100.00% | | Minor party heal 95% - 98 93 94.90% | | Regeneration 80% - 1 0 0.00% | | Relocate 40% - 3 2 66.67% | | Remove poison 70% - 1 1 100.00% | | Remove scar 75% - 8 7 87.50% | | Resurrect 80% - 2 2 100.00% | | Satiate person 70% - 1 1 100.00% | | Summon 81% - 16 14 87.50% | | Teleport without error 40% - 13 6 46.15% | | True party heal 90% - 2 2 100.00% | | Unpain 80% - 8 8 100.00% | | Unstun 80% - 12 12 100.00% | | Water walking 80% - 6 6 100.00% | |------------------------------+------------------------------' More (94%) [qpbns?] | Total casts: 335 | `------------------------------' Hp:482/490 Sp:136/854 Ep:249/250 Info: Munkki recovers from link death. Hp: 487 +5 Sp: 287 +151 Ep: 250 +1 koti You have an unusual feeling as you cast the spell. You start chanting. Hp:487/490 Sp:287/854 Ep:250/250 You skillfully cast the spell with haste. Teleport without error: # You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) Your concentration drifts away as you think you feel a malignant aura. You feel like you just saved some spell points! Hp: 487 Sp: 188 -99 Ep: 250 koti You start chanting. Hp:487/490 Sp:188/854 Ep:250/250 Teleport without error: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. You feel like Logicus healed you a bit. Hp: 490 +3 Sp: 250 +62 Ep: 250 You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) Your concentration drifts away as you think you feel a malignant aura. You feel like you just saved some spell points! Hp: 490 Sp: 174 -76 Ep: 250 Narril goes 'Ooooo...' at you. koti You do not have enough spell points to cast the spell. NOT ENOUGH SPS. Hp:490/490 Sp:174/854 Ep:250/250 show spells statistics ,-------------------------------------------------------------. | Spell % Casts Success Ratio | |=============================================================| | Aura detection 50% - 3 3 100.00% | | Charge staff 70% - 2 2 100.00% | | Create mud 90% - 1 1 100.00% | | Cure critical wounds 95% - 28 28 100.00% | | Cure serious wounds 100% - 53 52 98.11% | | Dimension door 40% - 2 2 100.00% | | Drain pool 70% - 1 1 100.00% | | Drying wind 80% - 1 1 100.00% | | Earth power 80% - 3 2 66.67% | | Go 40% - 2 1 50.00% | | Heal all 70% - 14 12 85.71% | | Inquiry to ahm 80% - 3 3 100.00% | | Major heal 80% - 18 17 94.44% | More (47%) [qpbns?]Hp: 490 Sp: 313 +139 Ep: 250 | Major party heal 95% - 27 27 100.00% | | Minor heal 85% - 6 6 100.00% | | Minor party heal 95% - 98 93 94.90% | | Regeneration 80% - 1 0 0.00% | | Relocate 40% - 3 2 66.67% | | Remove poison 70% - 1 1 100.00% | | Remove scar 75% - 8 7 87.50% | | Resurrect 80% - 2 2 100.00% | | Satiate person 70% - 1 1 100.00% | | Summon 81% - 16 14 87.50% | | Teleport without error 40% - 15 6 40.00% | | True party heal 90% - 2 2 100.00% | | Unpain 80% - 8 8 100.00% | | Unstun 80% - 12 12 100.00% | | Water walking 80% - 6 6 100.00% | |------------------------------+------------------------------' More (94%) [qpbns?] | Total casts: 337 | `------------------------------' Hp:490/490 Sp:313/854 Ep:250/250 koti You start chanting. Hp:490/490 Sp:313/854 Ep:250/250 Teleport without error: ### You skillfully cast the spell with haste. Teleport without error: # You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) Something touches you and spoils your concentration ruining the spell. You feel like you just saved some spell points! Hp: 490 Sp: 311 -2 Ep: 250 koti You start chanting. Hp:490/490 Sp:311/854 Ep:250/250 l Teleport without error: ### You skillfully cast the spell with haste. ~~~^^^^^^ You notice a small pier extending to the sea from the north. ~~~~^^^~~ Above you is a chilly, moving, cloudy sky. There is a brisk wind. ~^^^*~^~~ Obvious exits are: nw, e, sw, s, se and n. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Narril Alquatar the Human Swan Avenger < de > (horny) Hp:490/490 Sp:311/854 Ep:250/250 Guffy [sales]: w blood crown l ~~~^^^^^^ You notice a small pier extending to the sea from the north. ~~~~^^^~~ Above you is a chilly, moving, cloudy sky. There is a brisk wind. ~^^^*~^~~ Obvious exits are: nw, e, sw, s, se and n. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Narril Alquatar the Human Swan Avenger < de > (horny) Hp:490/490 Sp:311/854 Ep:250/250 Teleport without error: # exp Exp: 36664 Money: 800.00 Bank: 314114.54 Hp:490/490 Sp:311/854 Ep:250/250 i You are carrying 41.5 kg of equipment: 301 coins (1 mithril and 300 gold) [Cash: 800.00 Bank: 314114.54 Total: 314914.54] A magical charity poster Keep: Golden belt of Fair River-Daughter Golden helmet crown of the catfolk king A majestical ruby necklace Two green gloves Bracelet made of green crystal labeled as [Wis] A large green emerald Cape of Knowledge Sun amulet The frozen ice belt of the demon lord Bracelet made of green crystal Holy vest of Yak Hp:490/490 Sp:311/854 Ep:250/250 You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) Your spell just sputters. You feel like you just saved some spell points! Hp: 490 Sp: 309 -2 Ep: 250 koti You start chanting. Hp:490/490 Sp:309/854 Ep:250/250 Teleport without error: ## Susette [wanted]: wis legs, blue glove with my name Hp: 490 Sp: 459 +150 Ep: 250 Susette [sales]: reanimations 10k You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) You stutter the magic words and fail the spell. You feel like you just saved some spell points! Hp: 490 Sp: 413 -46 Ep: 250 koti You start chanting. Hp:490/490 Sp:413/854 Ep:250/250 Teleport without error: ### You skillfully cast the spell with greater haste. You are done with the chant. CASTING FINISHED. You hop on one leg, flap your arms and chant 'xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr' (Teleport without error) You sense your surroundings distorting and then snap.