You successfully parry Creature's claw. Creature tumbled. Creature scrapes you causing a small scratch. Creature misses you. You stroke Creature sparking a limb to slice open. You miss Creature. You are prepared to do the skill. Your battle sense is at its peak! Time seems to slow down, your enemy seems pitiful! You quickly pound your enemy 3 crushing blows to the head, before it can react! Creature is stunned! ...And you turn suddenly and STRIKE again. Hp: 995 Sp: 21 Ep: 366 -30 You successfully dodge Creature's claw. You successfully parry Creature's claw. Creature tumbled. Creature nibbles you making small marks. You stroke Creature forcing the heart to explode and then magically implode. A large cavity replaces Creature's chest. Creature is DEAD, R.I.P.